Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Real "Scoop"...

OK, not the usual subject, but I do see things differently [lol].... What I have Learned From Scooping Poop..... Pay attention to what is right in front of you. Sometimes when we start thinking too far ahead, we miss the little things that are with us every day.( or that you step in) Not every job is glamorous, but they still need to be done. Take each task as it comes and the job will be over that much sooner. If you race to get a job done, you are going to miss something. This will come back to haunt you later( like at night, when you have to chase somebody in the house and step in a not so good place). Take your time, and make sure everything is done in a way that makes you feel satisfied. Sometimes you step in it! Whether it's at home, work, or did something or said something that you wish you could un-do. Well, it stinks, so get it over with. Clean up the mess, apologize where needed and move on. Standing there in that mess, wondering what you can do only makes it worse. Having the right tools can make any job easier. Make sure you plan ahead, research what you need and then plunge ahead. Being prepared is essential (I think all of my pockets have little bags in them!) and you will feel great when you are not floundering around, at a loss as to how to proceed. Make the decision to enjoy what you are doing. You may not be in love with your job or the task at hand, but make the best of it. Time will go faster, you will feel better, and you may discover that you don't mind it quite that much. If it helps, use this time to remember that fun time you had with your loved ones, sing a song,recite poetry[g], or just enjoy being outside(or wherever you may be) Attitude is everything and when we make up our minds to be happy, we open up a world of light and love to come our way. EVERY JOB IS IMPORTANT! Thank you to those that get up at the crack of dawn(or earlier) to do things we would rather not do. Thank you to garbage men, shift workers, etc. I appreciate all that you do. Remeber YOU are important. Have fun. I know, I know...sometimes things are messy, or you're in a bad mood or whatever. Try your best , that's all we can ask.