Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Here is my annual Christmas story- enjoy. Val ***************************************************************************** And it passed , that three kings , after consulting with their seers and astrologers, decided to journey to a far off land, to follow a star. This is known. What is not known is that there was a King visiting from a land even further. A land of mountains and mist; legend and lore. A thirst for knowledge had led him this far. He insisted on accompanying the other Kings. The journey was long and tiring. But they did not waiver in their mission. To pass the time, the visiting king told tales of his wondrous country, of great feats and the strength and honor of his people. The mountains and castles and deep lakes seemed too wonderous to believe. The other Kings told of their countries as well, but the visiting King knew in his heart that his was best. After a time, they began to see the star more clearly and a sense of anticipation started stirring among them. While rumors of a new king had been heard, they knew not what awaited them , but could sense it's importance. At last , in the clear cool night, the star seemed to stop and shine over a small stable. Cattle and sheep resided peacefully together, as well as the sheep and donkey. As they approached , they could see a young couple, the wife cradling an infant in swaddling cloth. There appeared to be a glow around them and a sense of peace and wonder filled the small stable. Tears streaming from their faces the Kings kneeled in respect and love. There was no doubt that this would be their King! The Three Kings brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, all precious and rare. The visiting King was moved and ashamed that he had brought no gift. Just then a cold nose nudged his hand. Looking down , he saw his faithful companion looking up at him with wise , worldly eyes. He nodded and disappeared for a moment. When he came back he held a small bundle . He approached the young King and offered the tiny bundle of black and white fur. Kneeling down , he gazed at the infant and said , " I offer you a gift that is priceless as well. In my land we have a wonderful creature that is guardian, companion, counselor, and friend. They are prized above all else. Treat them well and they will never leave your side. " With that , he set the little pup down and stood back with the three Kings. The pup slowly walked up to the new King and gazed at him sleeping . He gently gave the babe a kiss and curled up next to the manger. Some will dispute how long the Bearded Collie has been around. Others will just smile knowingly and nod. Val Maloney

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What's in YOUR cupboard?!

OK, I was slightly ripping off the "what's in your wallet" commercial.But it got me to thinking about what I keep on hand and hate to run out of. Today I will run down some things that might not seem the usual "doggie" items, but have come through in flying colors when I have needed them. 1. Apple Cider Vinegar! The best is organic, and I use it for just about anything. Most of the time I mix it using a 50/50 dilution with water. One of mine here used to get yeast infections in her ears all the time. Once I started cleaning her ears with a cotton ball dipped in this solution, she never had another ear infection. Same dog, she used to get stressed and develop hot spots. I would put the mixture in a spray bottle and use that two or three times a day. Took care of those very nicely. As she has gotten older, she hasn't had these problems, but I always have the bottle at the ready. You can spritz down your doggies to keep fleas and other little beasties away, or use it as a final rinse after a bath too. ACV is very beneficial taken internally as well. Start with a little in the water(mine won't drink it, the snobs) but I add a little into the food. There is tons of research out there, so check around. 2.-Gold Bond Medicated Powder- Love this stuff and you can use a generic brand also. I have used this on sore spots also, when I wanted the area to stay dry(sometimes after the ACV) , for feet in the wet season(I have one who laps her feet when wet and this seemed to take care of that), on "boy" areas, as an ear powder...well you get the idea. 3.-Rescue Remedy- sometime I will do an overall post on flower essences, but right now let's keep it simple. This is a flower essence made by the Bach people and is wonderful for many things. I prefer the spray bottle, but you can get the ones with a little dropper too. I find that with animals, it is easier to spray, because you can just get the air around them and it helps. Great for trauma, stress, grief, anxiety, etc. I sometimes spray the crate before a dog travels and then the dog itself. It is gentle and relaxing and does not interfere with anything that an animal(or person) may be taking. One little bottle can last a while, so that's helpful. In an emergency situation you can also use it every half hour for a few hours with no problems. 4.-Slippery Elm Capsules- I get these at the natural food store or on line in the people section. These are very nice for soothing tummies and the intestinal tract. I just throw a capsule into the food and that's it. Even after a problem has been resolved, these will start the healing process and make sure things get back to normal. 5.- Cranberry- I have girl dogs, we know where we are going with that! I found a simple cran cap with added vit c and usually throw that in the girls' food once a day. Maintenance is what works best for me and the only time I seem to have an issue is when I run out and forget to pick up more caps. There are powders and other things available, so find what works best for you. So this is a start on my cupboard. Next time I will tell you all about the hoeopathic stuff I have and the other little goodies stored away. Good health and doggy hugs!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Real "Scoop"...

OK, not the usual subject, but I do see things differently [lol].... What I have Learned From Scooping Poop..... Pay attention to what is right in front of you. Sometimes when we start thinking too far ahead, we miss the little things that are with us every day.( or that you step in) Not every job is glamorous, but they still need to be done. Take each task as it comes and the job will be over that much sooner. If you race to get a job done, you are going to miss something. This will come back to haunt you later( like at night, when you have to chase somebody in the house and step in a not so good place). Take your time, and make sure everything is done in a way that makes you feel satisfied. Sometimes you step in it! Whether it's at home, work, or did something or said something that you wish you could un-do. Well, it stinks, so get it over with. Clean up the mess, apologize where needed and move on. Standing there in that mess, wondering what you can do only makes it worse. Having the right tools can make any job easier. Make sure you plan ahead, research what you need and then plunge ahead. Being prepared is essential (I think all of my pockets have little bags in them!) and you will feel great when you are not floundering around, at a loss as to how to proceed. Make the decision to enjoy what you are doing. You may not be in love with your job or the task at hand, but make the best of it. Time will go faster, you will feel better, and you may discover that you don't mind it quite that much. If it helps, use this time to remember that fun time you had with your loved ones, sing a song,recite poetry[g], or just enjoy being outside(or wherever you may be) Attitude is everything and when we make up our minds to be happy, we open up a world of light and love to come our way. EVERY JOB IS IMPORTANT! Thank you to those that get up at the crack of dawn(or earlier) to do things we would rather not do. Thank you to garbage men, shift workers, etc. I appreciate all that you do. Remeber YOU are important. Have fun. I know, I know...sometimes things are messy, or you're in a bad mood or whatever. Try your best , that's all we can ask.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Those left behind....

With so many losses in our family this past month, it has made me think back on the animals that have gone to the Bridge. Being the one left behind is hard. Your constant companion is no longer there, the emptiness seems a solid thing. I have had dogs that left slowly and ones that left quickly...the pain is the same. What I can offer is a little wisdom that I have heard...not from one animal but from all that have left this plane. Animals don't view this world as that different from the next one. True, the physical body is not there, but they don't consider that a hindrance! They do enjoy the physical world- who doesn't love a good romp in the grass or a belly rub? But they understand that Spirit is where we all really reside, and that doesn't go away. I have talked with animals that have passed and their personalities come through as strongly as they did in the physical form.They still visit their families, take part in celebrations and work to comfort the ones that are left behind. Our job is to listen, to be open to the possibilities, to trust that we ARE hearing them, or feeling their presence near us as we sit in that favorite chair. As I was finishing up a session, talking to a lovely dog that had passed, she wanted to let her family know one thing- I am still here. Talk to me, I'll hear you, walk with me, I will be there beside you and when you need comfort- I will lay with you. We hope this helps and that you carry these words in your heart.